
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

We find in studying the Bible that the Lord has often accomplished His purposes in the world through children whose hearts are devoted to Him.  There is no person too young to be the servant of God!  For that reason we encourage our children to know the Lord in a personal relationship of salvation, and to obey His Word in making their choices in life.  We believe that every child is God's special creation, and precious in His sight.

Sunday Mornings


Children's Sunday School classes give us the opportunity each week to teach them God's Word. We take our lessons from the Bible, and apply them to their lives in practical ways, showing them how the Lord wants them to live and honor Him.


After joining our whole church family for a time of worship, the elementary age children go to a service designed especially for them.  Our teachers take them through God's Word from Genesis - Revelation in 3 years.  They also familiarize these children with great Christian leaders (preachers, missionaries, martyrs, etc.) throughout the church age.


On Wednesday evenings from September to March is our Unity B.L.A.S.T. Kids Ministry.  B.L.A.S.T. stands for "Building Lives Around Sound Truth" and our goal is to teach the children the Sound Truth of God's Word so that they may put them into practice in their lives.  B.L.A.S.T. is for kids in Kindergarten and above.  

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