Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
The Lord had a special love and concern for the children who were a part of His ministry. Their simple and forthright faith was used by Him as an example to the rest of His followers of the characteristics of a true disciple of Christ. We believe children are an important part of our ministry, and that it is essential that we do all we can to instill in their young minds the truth of Scripture and the necessity of faith in Christ as Savior.

Sunday Mornings
The pre-schoolers are ministered to on Sunday's in two classes, depending upon their age.
Those 0-2 years are in our Nursery.
Children 3 years-Kindergarten are in our Beginners Class where our teachers begin to lay a foundation of biblical truth in the lives of the children who attend.
Those 0-2 years are in our Nursery.
Children 3 years-Kindergarten are in our Beginners Class where our teachers begin to lay a foundation of biblical truth in the lives of the children who attend.
Another group of volunteers care for the infants during the morning service in our Nursery.
We also have volunteers who work with the students in the Beginners Class during this time.
All of the volunteers who work in these departments have a genuine love for the Lord, and seek to minister God's Word to the children.
We also have volunteers who work with the students in the Beginners Class during this time.
All of the volunteers who work in these departments have a genuine love for the Lord, and seek to minister God's Word to the children.