The Tie That Binds
*This message was recorded on April 7, 2024*
This month we begin considering “Growing in Fellowship” as believers. Throughout the history of the church believers have been target for persecution, harassment, imprisonment, and death. Polycarp, the Bishop of Smyrna in the 2nd century said that “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.” He was burned at the stake for his faith in 155 AD. The greater threat to the church is that which comes from within – the division that so often comes up among us as we do the Lord’s work. That is what I want us to think about this month – and how we are to handle it. The concept of unity in our relationships is one that is often addressed in the New Testament. It is VITALLY important to our effectiveness in ministering the Gospel in our world. “The Tie that Binds” begins in Ephesians 4:3.